Recording Intro Greetings

Recording Intro Greetings

In this article, we will show you how to record an intro greeting that plays before your normal Auto Attendant greeting.

Each auto attendant can have an optional introductory greeting that plays when a call is directed to the auto attendant followed by the menu prompt. An example of an introductory greeting might be:

"Thank you for calling Acme Corporation. You've reached us outside normal business hours." or

"Due to inclement weather, we have closed the office.  Please listen to the normal menu prompts to direct your call accordingly, or if you know your parties' extension, you may dial it at any time."

A menu prompt might be:

Press 1 for sales, press 2 for marketing, or press 0 for operator assistance.

Separating intro greetings from menu prompts allows you to change greetings for holidays or winter storms, for example, without re-recording the entire message.

To Record an Intro Greeting:

Click the Edit icon for the Auto Attendant you wish to record an Intro greeting for



From Auto Attendants page, click the  icon next to Intro Greetings. A Manage Greetings pop-up window similar to the following appears




  • To upload a new greeting, Click Add Greeting. For New Greeting, click Upload. Click the Browse button, navigate to the MP3 or WAV file you want to use for your greeting, click the file, and click Open. Click Upload.
  • To record a new greeting, hover over it, and then click icon on the right side of the row. For New Greeting, click Record. In the Call me at field, enter the number to call (either an extension or a telephone number such as your cell phone) and click Call. Your phone will be called. At the prompt, record the new greeting, and then press # when you finish your recording.
  • To delete a recording, hover over it, and then click the icon at the far right of the row. At confirmation prompt, click Yes to delete the recording or No to retain it.
  • When you finish, click Add Greeting followed by Done.


Here are 2 intro greetings, 1 for a recent Snow Day and the other will play during dates selected specifically for Holidays.

To create a Time Frame see this article: Creating a Time Frame

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