Voicemail transcription enables you to read voicemails rather than listen to them. The voice message is transcribed using AI technology and a copy of the transcription along with the recording is sent via email.
To enable this feature, start by browsing to the Portal at https://app.level365.com and logging in with your credentials.
Click Manage Organization at the top of the screen.
Click Users and navigate to the user you wish to enable transcription for.
Browse to the Voicemail tab.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Google Cloud Speech-To-Text. from the Voicemail Transcription dropdown. To receive transcriptions, you must enable an Email Notification selection from the Email Notification dropdown.
Click Save.
The Email notification field will dictate what happens to the voicemail after it is transcribed.
- Send w/ hyperlink
- Emails the voicemail as a downloadable link.
- Send w/ attachment (leave as new)
- Emails the voicemail as an attached .wav file, leaves the voicemail in the New folder.
- Send w/ attachment (move to saved)
- Emails the voicemail as an attached .wav file, moves the voicemail to the Saved folder.
- Send w/ attachment (move to trash)
- Emails the voicemail as an attached .wav file, moves the voicemail to the Trash folder where it will be removed after 24 hours.
Transcriptions can also be viewed directly in the Portal by browsing to the folder where the voicemail is located.