NOTE: The MS Teams Connector (MTC) requires each Microsoft User and the Global Administrator to have a Microsoft User License and a Microsoft Phone System License OR a license, such as an E5, that includes both. We have linked the Product Names and their corresponding SKUs for reference.
Licensing for MS Teams can be divided into two categories and you will need to figure out which category applies to your MS Teams users.
- Group A is a combination of two different licenses; a User License with a Phone System Add-on License
- Group B is a single all inclusive license
Group A
Group A includes the majority of use cases since all MS Teams users will have a User License, but most will not have a phone system license.
Each Microsoft User and the Direct Routing User require:
- A Microsoft User license
- A Phone System add-on license
- If using BUSINESS_VOICE_MED2 then you MUST remove the calling plan.
Microsoft User Licenses
Phone System Add-Ons
Group B
Group B includes fewer use cases
If this category applies to you then each Microsoft User, to include the Global Admin account, will require a Microsoft User License with included Phone System.
- There is no need to purchase a Phone System add-on license since it is included in E5 licenses.
Microsoft User Licenses
Minimum License Requirements
Whether you select Group A or Group B You NEED at least one extra license set for a Direct Routing user.
- The extra set must be left unassigned. This will be automatically assigned at a later stage to a Direct Routing user which is required for setup. The license assignment can be unassigned two hours after the Direct Routing is set up, but the Direct Routing user must remain.
Microsoft Licensing is complicated and prone to change.