You can allow callers to select options from Auto Attendants using Speech Keywords. Auto Attendants allow multiple Keywords to be used per selection. This feature also works with nested Auto Attendants, allowing for complex option selection.
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After logging into the Portal, select Manage Organization at the top of the page if present. Select the Auto Attendants button to display a list of all Auto Attendants. Choose the Auto Attendant to manage from the list. For information on creating an Auto Attendant, see the relevant article.
Click the cogwheel icon to the right of the Dial Pad Menu.
Click the Speech Keywords tab in the resulting pop-up.

Select the option you wish to add speech Keywords to and enter the desired Keywords. You can add multiple Keywords to the same option by using a comma.

When you are satisfied with the selections, click Done.
To add to a nested Auto Attendant, follow the same process, but within the nested tree.
When you are finished, click Save.