Level365 UC Ports and IP Addresses

To ensure the best voice quality possible and avoid any connectivity issues, the following ports and IP address ranges need to be accessible for the Level365 UC platform and devices to perform properly.

SIP-ALG should be disabled on any internet router or firewall. SIP-ALG is a common cause of various issues including poor call quality, telephone registration problems, and other inconsistent telephone behaviors. Level365 has a network assessment tool that can help identify if SIP-ALG might be enabled on your network.


IP Ranges

IP Address Description

Level365 UC Platform
Level365 UC Platform
Level365 UC Platform
Level365 Softphone (Desktop and Mobile App)
Level365 Softphone (Desktop and Mobile App)
Level365 Softphone (Desktop and Mobile App)




Port Protocol Description
80 TCP Needed for GUI redirection to HTTPS and configuration files over HTTP.
443 TCP
Needed for secure web content and secure provisioning over HTTPS.
4998 TCP and UDP Required for Level365 Softphone (Desktop and Mobile App)
5060 TCP and UDP
Needed for SIP signaling.
5061 TCP and UDP
Needed for secure SIP signaling.
8001 TCP Required for the Portal to provide dynamic updates.
9002 TCP Required for Web Phone communication.
24998 TCP Required for Level365 Softphone (Desktop and Mobile App)
20000 - 27999 UDP Needed for Audio/Video streams (RTP).





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