Call Handling
To begin, please Login to the portal.
After you Login, you will see your profile page for your extension. From here, you can initiate a phone call that will ring directly to your physical phone, then will forward the call to the appropriate internal extension or outside number.
This also works for answering calls.
In the bottom right-hand corner of the portal webpage, you'll see a pop-up menu labeled "Contacts." This allows you use the portal to dial numbers.
Scrolling over the options will show Maximize and Popout. Both selections bring up the "Contacts" pop-up menu - one within the webpage itself, and the other creates a secondary window.
Initiating a Call
In order to call another extension or outside number, you'll need to click on the headset/handset icon.
This will bring up a "Make a Call" menu, which is an integrated dial pad. You can either click on the numbers on the dial pad or you can simply type them in.
Once you've entered the extension or number you're trying to reach click the Call button.
This will ring your extension, so you need to pick-up the handset, and you will hear "your call is now being forwarded" prompt. This will initiate the call to the number dialed.
You do have the option to allow your phone to Auto Answer during the first phase of the call, which will put your phone on speaker phone and automatically dial the number you've entered. This can be accomplished by hitting the down arrow next to the Call button, which will bring up an expanded dial pad with the Auto Answer option as a check-box.
The text box to the left of the check-box will populate your extension.
If the call is successfully placed, you will see this pop-up menu indicating an Outbound Call. You can select the red handset icon at this time to end the call if you choose.
Answering a Call
Answering a call is as simple as it sounds. If you have an Incoming Call, you will see another pop-up menu that gives notification of an Incoming Call.
You have the option to either Answer or Reject it. Your phone will ring during this time. Selecting Answer will auto-answer the call on speaker.
Contact Directory
The Contact directory will populate all of the extensions within your organization.
You have the option to sort by Online, Extension Number, Last Name, and First Name.
You can also sort contacts by All, Favorites, My Contacts, and Coworkers. Sorting by Call Status also works - Available, Busy, and Offline.
You always have the ability to update your Status, which can inform co-workers of your current phone status.